Specialized Primary Care

At Bluestem Health Piedmont Clinic in Lincoln, Nebraska, you will find providers who focus on the overall well-being of patients through all stages of their lives.

Specialized Primary Care

Finding the right primary care provider, one who understands your specific healthcare needs, can sometimes be the reason some individuals avoid going to the doctor. You are looking for a doctor who will listen and get to know you. It’s important to make that connection between you and your provider from the very first visit. Patients want to feel some reassurance that their provider understands their health concerns and can help them. At Bluestem Health Piedmont Clinic in Lincoln, Nebraska, you will find providers who focus on the overall well-being of patients through all stages of their lives. Two areas that they specialize in are health problems affecting veterans and preventive medicine.

Health Problems Affecting Military Veterans

For military service men and women who have served and were stationed where they were exposed to an active war zone, like Iraq and Afghanistan, or those who are still in active duty, they may be affected by a variety of health problems, including physical and mental health. They often suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, and other issues as a result of working in those environments. They may also experience difficulty with integrating back into life with their families.

Andrew Shahan, M.D.
Primary Care physician

Andrew Shahan, M.D., is a primary care doctor at Bluestem Health Piedmont Clinic and a Major in the U.S. Air Force. He specializes in working with military service men and women and is familiar with providing healthcare for patients with a variety of medical needs. Dr. Shahan brings his military experience and in depth knowledge to veterans here in Lincoln. He understands the stressful environment they encountered as military professionals and is ready to listen and help.

Dr. Shahan takes the time to get to know his patients so that he can provide the right care that addresses their healthcare needs. He is uniquely qualified and can relate to a veteran’s health concerns.

Wellness Exams and Prevention for a Healthy Life

When it comes to maintaining a healthy life, an annual wellness exam plays a major role in helping to prevent illnesses later in life. Rather than waiting for a health condition to happen, a wellness exam gives your provider a good understanding about your health and the ability to catch health problems early on.

Annual wellness exams occur once a year and may be covered by your insurance. A wellness visit may include:


At your annual visit, you may be due for screenings like a mammogram, pap smear, or colonoscopy, which your provider will schedule for you.

Reba Cooksley, DNP, APRN-NP
Nurse Practitioner

At Bluestem Health Piedmont Clinic, Reba Cooksley, DNP, APRN-NP, specializes in prevention and wellness examinations. She believes that every patient should have a health plan to help them stay healthy. She understands the importance of regular screenings that occur at various stages of life and help to identify possible health conditions, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. If not detected early, they can lead to more serious illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, or cancer.

Reba also takes the time to learn about your daily physical activity and diet, as well as discuss issues in your life that may be causing any stress. This gives her a better understanding about your overall health.

If you are searching for a primary care provider who is compassionate and is ready to care for your healthcare needs, consider Bluestem Health Piedmont Clinic located at Bryan Health East Medical Plaza, 1500 S. 48th Street, Suite 412, in Lincoln, Nebraska. For an appointment, call 402-480-7380.

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