Finding Purpose in Service

For Rebecca Chandler, Kreshel Clinic manager, finding purpose in service is at the heart of her work and is reflected in her team’s profound impact on the community.

Rebecca Chandler, Kreshel Clinic manager

For Rebecca Chandler, Kreshel Clinic manager, finding purpose in service is at the heart of her work and is reflected in her team’s profound impact on the community. “Every day, we get to provide care to people who might otherwise not get it. How amazing is that?” she says. “And to make that even better, I get to work with and lead a team of the most devoted and caring individuals.”

Heartwarming Encounters 

To reflect on a recent experience, Rebecca shares a story that truly encapsulates her team finding purpose in service. When a parent was facing uncertainty about affording medication costs for their child, three staff members stepped forward to offer to pay for the prescription. Through their support and care, they were able to connect this family with the vital resources they needed, such as our sliding-fee discount program and Medicaid, to cover the costs. Rebecca emphasizes that it’s moments like these that make her job truly rewarding.  “The mom was so grateful and appreciative of our help,” she says.

Over a Decade of Dedication

Rebecca has been with Bluestem since November 2013, and her time has been a journey of growth and evolution. Initially playing a role in grant writing and fundraising, she then assumed a managerial position at our Health 360 location in 2018 and transitioned to the Kreshel Clinic in 2021. Over the past decade, she’s been able to witness Bluestem flourish, increasing its presence in the community and diversifying its range of services to meet the needs of Lincoln. 

Advocating For Her Staff

Rebecca believes “The most important role of a manager is to advocate for your staff.” Through open communication and a culture of collaboration, she works hard to create an environment where the team can have fun, even on the toughest days. “A phrase my team will tell you they hear me say all the time is ‘real life.’ I understand that real life happens to the best of us,” she says. “We’re just incredibly fortunate here at the Kreshel Clinic to have a great work family to get to do this real-life hard stuff with.”

Beyond the Office

Outside of her professional career, Rebecca finds joy in her family and pets. She has two daughters, Katie and Molly, who reside in Colorado Springs and Hawaii, respectively, and she cherishes spending time with them. At home, she shares her space with her two cats, Chester and Pearl, and her beloved dog Quincy – they all have endearing personalities that bring light into her life. She calls Quincy “the cutest, most anxious dog on the planet.”

In her free time, Rebecca enjoys spending time in nature, exploring local trails with Quincy alongside her. She’s also a lover of live music, books, and film. She’s currently reading “Through a Window: My Thirty Years with the Chimpanzees of Gombe” by Jane Goodall. It seems that her life outside of Bluestem Health is as much of an adventure as every day in the office.

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